Magic on The Edge - The Magic of Family

Each year, we create and produce a new show just for the Adelaide Fringe season. This is our sixth year of presenting unique shows in the Adelaide Fringe. Our show this year is called The Magic of Family and celebrates the different sort of people we have in our families. Family comes in all different shapes and sizes. It isn't always about genetics, your family is the people who are special to you. This magic show honours the special people in our lives. It is filled with amazing illusions woven into funny stories.

I believe that real magic comes from real life. It happens every day and is all around us. The most amazing magix is in the srtories of peoples' lives. This show is storytelling through magic to share, celebrate, and laugh at stories which may or may resonate with everyone - for better or worse.

This show is ideal to bring your whole family.

This is a unique and custom built show for this year's Fringe.

Performance Schedule

Theatre at Aldinga Payinthi College:
Fri 24 Feb - Sat 25 Feb: 7:45pm

The Suburban Brew - Glynde:
Sat 4 Mar - Sun 5 Mar: 7pm

Tickets at FringeTix

Unpredicatable Magic

This is an exciting crossover between circus juggling, and magic routines. Nic from Off the Shelf Juggling presenting in his Fringe debut is joined by Drew Magic in a make-your-own-adventure of wonder. You have the power to control what happens next.
This is a fun show with a combination of silliness and sophistication for everyone.

Nic will juggle just about anything he can throw and brings several amazing routines with unpredicatble objects. Drew brings magic tricks to life thorugh stories we can all relate to.

Unfortunately, the original venue arranged for our perfomance on March 18th has had to close. We are seeking a new venue. For now, we have one performance only, please get in quick to not be disappointed.

Performance Schedule

Murray Room at Bridgeport Hotel:
Sun 26 Feb: 3:30pm

Sat 18 Mar: 3:30pm

Get tickets at FringeTix


After 7 years of training, Nic Ames from Off the Shelf Juggling presents his debut show. Everything is a bit better with a little bit of unpredictability. In this show the audience has the power to control what happens next. Circus juggling at its best.

Performance Schedule

Theatre at Aldinga Payinthi College:
Fri 24 Feb - Sat 25 Feb: 6:30pm

Sun 19 Mar: 4pm

Get tickets at FringeTix

Contact us Directly

As we are South Australia based, we are available for shows or workshops throughout the year. Contact us directly for your next OSHC event, Incursion, Birthday Party (adults and children), Engagement Party, Wedding, or Corporate function.

Facebook @MagicOnTheEdge
Instagram @off_the_shelf_juggling